Water Filters for Roun Village
Peter Roehlen, Aug. 11, 2015, 2:39 a.m.

We are very happy to announce that our friend Rod Cope has kindly arranged for 50 water filters to be donated to Roun Village. The water filters (pictured) were paid for by Connect with Cambodia and will help ensure that water is clean and safe for drinking. Rod has worked for many years in Cambodia and we're very thankful to him and to Sokrith Soun and Chunnly who helped deliver them to the families of Roun Village on the weekend.

The first well is is now at approximately eight and a half meters and is nearing completion. The contractor has started dropping the concrete rings into the well we will wait to see whether another meter or so needs to be dug before permanently capping the well.

More updates soon!


2 Hand Dug Wells, 270 families

Project Details